

Watching a politics show isn't exactly everyone's cup of tea, but the BBC have decided to target young people with "First Time Voters Question Time". Despite the estranged MP's being stood down by youths in hoodies, some excellent questions are being asked. Main focus appears to be on university, fees for uni, and engaging young people in politics.

However, ONE GOT ACCEPTED TO LONDON COLLEGE OF FASHION!! YAAYY!! Fashion journalists across the road; watch out, ellie's about!
The lime grove campus is really a stunning place. I talked about the conflicting victorian architecture and the modern clean interior, but now that it will be "home", I have truely fallen for it.
Best of all... The Westfield is a ten minute walk away. Prada, versace, Burberyy... OH OH OH!


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Look forward to hearing from you. I will reply to all comments that I can. Ellie ♥